Why Localroast

Started to make the fresh coffees from the best local micro roasters available to everyone and to support local coffee roasters.

The best and tastiest coffees are freshly roasted by hand and slow roasted. Exactly what the local coffee roaster does. Usually only for good coffee bars and the better hotels and restaurants. Usually not for sale to consumers. Localroast now brings these top coffees together. For you and small businesses. At a very affordable price because we work directly with the micro burners. The coffee roasters have been helped with a new sales channel and you can enjoy super fresh and super tasty coffee!

How it started

In the fall of 2018 we came into contact with Olaf Tromp, founder and owner of Spot On coffee roasters. Super enthusiastic and very knowledgeable about all things coffee and roasting. Olaf only supplies private label to business customers: good coffee bars, 4 and 5 star hotels and the better restaurants. Individuals could not buy his coffees: too much extra work - which detracts from the quality of the roast.


Coffee shops, restaurants and hotels closed overnight. Turnover for all roasters that focused on the business market completely disappeared. Thanks to local neighborhood and Facebook campaigns, the already roasted coffee was fortunately still sold. To individuals. And they asked for more...


So it is high time for a platform where local coffee roasters can offer their specialty coffees to private individuals and small businesses. Can the coffee roasters continue to focus on their core business and consumers will have the opportunity to buy fresh and super tasty coffees from local entrepreneurs every day at affordable prices. And that's how Localroast was born.

June 14, 2020

The first micro roaster connected. That's Spot On. With the first four special coffees. Something for everyone: from medium roast to dark roast, a single origin and a 100% organic coffee. The website went live on Sunday 14 June.

Update Summer 2022

Since the start, 4,000 customers have already ordered more than 10,000 bags of coffee, sample packs, gift packs and boxes of Sproud. We have compiled them one by one with care and attention and sent them or delivered them to the customer's home. The many warm responses we have received by email or at the door indicate that the work of the coffee farmer, the coffee roaster and our own team is highly appreciated. We now also deliver in Amsterdam with the electric cargo bike, we have connected a second burner (from Deventer) and set up a coffee bar in the Crêperie in Hilversum and company in Utrecht.
Team Local Roast